Information Route Type Web Site Pilot name * Phone Email Instructor name Type of flight * Private Glider / Motor-Glider Military FOCA Training * Not applicable Basic training (before licence, Mon-Fri price) Other types of training Airplane Registration Choose or enter values — Choose HBXXX above OR enter manually below — Airplane registration (FXXXX, DEXXX, …) * Airplane type ICAO (P28A, SIRA,…) * MTOW (kg) * MTOW (kg) correct? Prix de base ( CHF/landing) calc_1500 calc_1000 calc_2000 calc_2500 calc_3500 calc_3501 Arrival From (ICAO code) * Departure To (ICAO code) * Approach sector * N S E W Runway * 17 35 Date * Time (LT) * Amount of PAX * Departure sector * N S E W Runway * 17 35 Date * Time (LT) * Amount of PAX * Amount of landing Amount of go-around (total amount. One free will be automatically deducted then 5 francs each) Training circuit runway (if any) 17 35 Additional fees (10 CHF each) * None ARRIVAL – Custom and flight plan DEPARTURE – Custom and flight plan Overnight parking Remarks Mode of payment * Cash TWINT Credit/Debit card aeroPS Invoice (only after agreement) Summary total_landings Landing fees : CHF (Mon-Fri price) total_goaround_fees Go-around fees : CHF total_additional_fees Additional fees : CHF total_overload_fees Overload fees : CHF (10 CHF / ton > 3500kg) Total to pay CHF Please confirm the transaction by clicking on the green button. You will be redirected to the home page on success … Back to home page – clear form